FAQ: Closing of Paulig Shop
Where can I order self-designed coffee from now on?
Unfortunately the Mun Kahvi application is only available for business customers starting from February 2021.
Where can I find Cupsolo cleaning capsules?
Unfortunately cleaning capsules are not sold at retail stores. In stead of cleaning capsules you can clean your machine with Clean Drop liquid cleaning solution. This product is available at many retail stores, e.g. https://www.prisma.fi/fi/prisma/clean-drop-kahvinkeittimen-puhdistusaine-5pss
Why are you closing Paulig Shop?
In the future we will be focusing on developing our business customer webshop.
Where can I buy Paulig coffee of coffee accessories online from now on?
Our coffee products can be found at retailers’ online stores. Coffee accessories are sold at Paulig Kulma in Helsinki city center. Business customers can order products from our professional webshop pauligprofessional.com.